Shefali anchors the Asia News Network (ANN) project as its editor & director and is the ANN editor for The Straits Times. The network is an alliance of 22 leading media titles, co-founded by The Straits Times in 1999.
Shefali has widely covered regional affairs for The Straits Times, and before that at India’s leading news magazine India Today. She began her career as a radio news anchor and wrote extensively on the terrorism threat after the 9/11 attacks. She’s interviewed leaders such as Aung San Suu Kyi and Klaus Schwab and hosted panel discussions at Davos.
Shefali has anchored several projects at The Straits Times, where she is responsible for international media partnerships. Among them, the award-winning Asia Report title, which is now the paper’s Asian Insider effort, and its photo syndication site, Photonico.
Working with the paper’s editor-in-chief, she helped to establish the Asia chapter of the World Editors Forum, a network of editors under the Wan-Ifra alliance of news publishers and is a member of the team behind World News Day, which is celebrated on September 28.
She holds a Master in Public Administration degree from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore.