Chean Chung, Lee is serving his second term as the State Assemblyman of Semambu, Pahang. He was elected National Central Committee of People’s Justice Party (KEADILAN) before being appointed as National Communication Director. He was also the National Treasurer General (2018-2022) and Youth Wing’s National Information Chief (2014-2018) of the party.
Chean Chung holds a Master in Public Administration from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (NUS). Earlier, he graduated from Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) in MSc. Transportation & Logistics and Bach. (Hons) Electronics Engineering (majoring in computer) from MMU.
An avid environmental activist, Chean Chung devoted himself to various environmental movements, especially in opposing radioactive waste dumping, excessive mining and illegal logging activities. In 2022, he was appointed as the Spokesperson of Renewable Energy thrust of the #AyuhMalaysia movement.
In 2019, Chean Chung co-founded Centre of Regional Strategic Studies (CROSS), a progressive think-tank focusing on regional cooperation, economic development, poverty alleviation and sustainability issues. In 2022, he founded #ScamVictimSupport, a mutual-help group that empowers and assists victims of scamming and financial frauds.