Dr Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Haris, is a practicing medical doctor based in Malaysia. He is currently attached at the Perak State Health Office in charge of the Non Communicable Diseases Unit managing the Public Health aspects of Diabetes, Mental Health and Tobacco Control. Beyond work life, he is the founder and advisor for Medical Mythbusters Malaysia (M3); a health advocacy NGO focused on empowering the Malaysian public with evidence based health and medical information. M3 utilizes social media to convey these messages. M3s Facebook Page currently has more than 240,000 followers. Dr. Ahmad Firdaus is also passionate about infodemics and management of health related misinformation and disinformation. Being part of First Check as a Fact Checker has broadened his reach and enhanced his skills. He recently completed his training as WHO Infodemic Manager (3rd Cohort). Dr. Ahmad Firdaus has extensive experience in dealing with health and medical misinformation.