Dr Carol Soon is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies where she heads the Society and Culture Department. Her research interests are in false information, digital literacy and inclusion, media regulation, new media and activism, and public engagement and deliberation. She has published her research in books and peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Asian Journal of Communication and Public Integrity. She is currently working with various government agencies on engaging citizens in co-creating policy solutions. Her most recent publication, “Refreshing Singapore’s Social Compact Through Citizen Engagement: Modalities, Challenges and Possibilities” examines new tech-focused deliberative processes employed by governments around the world, and the possibilities in the online space brought about by Web 3.0 technologies.
Carol is also Associate Director of the Asia Journalism Fellowship which is supported by Temasek Foundation. She is the Vice Chair of Singapore’s Media Literacy Council and serves on the Civil Service College-Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth Partnerships and Engagement Experts Panel. Carol is a recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Research Excellence Award and the Australian Endeavour Award.